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WAppMart is a language independent AI driven chat commerce platform on WhatsApp

Refund Policy

dated :  27 Mar, 2023


The Users understand that WAppMart (hereinafter referred to as 'WE') is an intermediary platform to connect sellers and buyers using Whatsapp and for delivering services using WhatsApp. WAppMart collects charges for providing platform access services with different features for specified duration or for different services. Therefore, there is no situation arises where WAppMart require to process refunds except under following situations.



Multiple  Debits


Multiple times debiting of Customer’s or Users Card/Bank Account due to technical error OR Customer's  or user's account being debited with excess amount in a single transaction due to technical error. In such cases, excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the Customer within 21 business days provided that the customer or user had not utilized any feature(s) activated due to multiple debits. Please click here to claim refund due to multiple debits. You are required to provide payment date(s), originally transaction number (for which the transaction is initiated, no refund will be processed for the original transaction), transaction number(s) of the payment(s) took place due to multiple debits. 



Technical Errors


Due to technical error, payment being charged on the Customer’s or user's  Card/Bank Account but the subscription or enrolment is unsuccessful. In such cases, Customer or user would be refunded after deduction of Payment Gateway charges or any other charges.  Excess amount excluding Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the Customer or user within 21 business days only if the customer or user had not utilized any feature(s) activated due to multiple debits. Please click here  to claim a refund on account of technical error. You are required to provide payment date, transaction number of the payment took place due to technical error.



Alteration or Amendments to the Policies

We may modify this Policy from time to time, and any such changes will be reflected on the Platform and be effective immediately upon the changes being reflected on the Platform.  Customers or Users agree to be bound to any such changes or modifications and understand and accept the importance of regularly reviewing the Policy as updated on the Platform from time to time.

The applications supported by all details necessary for refund process are the only applications that will be processed for refunds. The refund applications will be processed manually after due verification. if the claim is found valid, the amount received in excess will be refunded by WAppMart through electronic mode within a period of 21 business days on receipt of such claim with all necessary details sought for verification.  WAppMart is not responsible for the period of delay to show refund in your bank account depending on your bank’s policy and your relation to bank.




WAppMart assumes no responsibility and shall incur no liability if it is unable to affect any Payment Instruction(s) on the Payment Date owing to any one or more of the following circumstances:


  • If the Payment Instruction(s) issued by you is/are incomplete, inaccurate, and invalid and delayed.


  • If the Payment Account has insufficient funds/limits to cover for the amount as mentioned in the Payment Instruction(s).


  • If the funds available in the Payment Account are under any encumbrance or charge.


  • If your Bank refuses or delays honoring the Payment Instruction(s)


  • Circumstances beyond the control of WAppMart (including, but not limited to, fire, flood, natural disasters, bank strikes, power failure, systems failure like computer or telephone lines breakdown due to an unforeseeable cause or interference from an outside force)


  • In case the payment is not effected for any reason, you will be intimated about the failed payment by a WhatsApp Message. 


User agrees that WAppMart, in its sole discretion, for any or no reason, and without penalty, may suspend or terminate his/her account (or any part thereof) or use of the Services and remove Refund Policy and discard all or any part of his/her account, user profile, or his/her recipient profile, at any time. WAppMart may also in its sole discretion and at any time discontinue providing access to the Services, or any part thereof, with or without notice. User agrees that any termination of his /her access to the Services or any account he/she may have or portion thereof may be effected without prior notice, and also agrees that Company will not be liable to user or any third party for any such termination. Any suspected, fraudulent, abusive or illegal activity may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies Company may have at law or in equity. Upon termination for any reason, user agrees to immediately stop using the Services.


WAppMart may elect to resolve any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or Service provided in connection with this Agreement by binding arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. Any such dispute, controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party.

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Page last updated on: 15 Jun 2023
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